A Cosmic Conspiracy
The fundamental mythology of Western civilization is that it represents the fulfillment of centuries of human intellectual progress, which has over time distanced itself from superstition, relegating any belief in the “supernatural,” in favor of an objective conception of the world based purely on reason and empirical observation, which supposedly culminated in the establishment of the separation of Church and State, or secular democracy. However, while the United States has been able to maintain the illusion of being a democracy and bastion of liberty, it in fact operates under a system of legalized bribery called “lobbying,” which allows special interests to effectively purchase the cooperation of designated politicians, such that the society’s laws increasingly serve the few, and make dissent ever less possible.[1] In 2014, two prominent US political scientists, Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page, authors of Democracy in America?, published a study of national surveys of the general public conducted between 1981 and 2002, and concluded that, “The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.”[2]
Rather, a facade of democracy is deliberately conjured to hide a more sinister agenda. American society could be the most sophisticated form of coercion in human history. Unlike the open totalitarianism of failed experiments like the former Soviet Union, America has been able to elude more profound criticism by hiding its methods of control behind institutions that maintain the illusion of “freedom.” As outlined by famed psychologist B.F. Skinner, instead of controlling populations by punishing dissent, it is possible to induce their cooperation though means of positive reinforcement:
Now that we know how positive reinforcement works, and why negative doesn’t, we can be more deliberate and hence more successful, in our cultural design. We can achieve a sort of control under which the controlled… nevertheless feel free. They are doing what they want to do, not what they are forced to do. That’s the source of the tremendous power of positive reinforcement—there’s no restraint and no revolt. By a careful design, we control not the final behavior, but the inclination to behave—the motives, the desires, the wishes. The curious thing is that in that case the question of freedom never arises.[3]
More correctly, America is an oligarchy.[4] Ultimately, Americans have failed to heed the departing President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who presciently warned in his farewell address on January 17, 1961, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.” Year after year we experience the consequences of the undue power that Eisenhower was referring to. We have watched as the United States has plunged itself in numerous reckless military escapades, always providing some cheap rationale for their purported right to interfere in the affairs of such far-flung regions of the world. We have also heard whisperings on numerous occasions about their tampering in the democratically-elected governments of foreign nations, only to be followed by the rapacious policies of the World Bank, designed to siphon the remaining wealth of the poverty-stricken parts of the world to overflowing coffers of the rich. It has become common knowledge to suspect that the hidden objectives often involves oil. And yet, the rest of the world seems to remain ever-ready to excuse the next misdeed of the United States, which continues to enamour them with the frivolous spectacles produced in Hollywood.
No matter how often such deviousness is perpetrated, few are willing to recognize that they appear to represent a consistent pattern, pointing to an increasing power in the hands of a small minority. For most, the possibility that these events could be part of a global conspiracy seems implausible, because the multiplicity of the means of control appears far too haphazard, extensive or complex for a few men to control. However, as Noam Chomsky has been able to demonstrate in Manufacturing Consent, centralized corporate ownership allows such means of control, at least in the case of the media. Similarly, enough investigation into other facets of human society can reveal other means by which populations can be managed or manipulated. Clyde Barrow, in Universities and the Capitalist State, has demonstrated that similar methods of control extend to the system of higher education. Frances Stonor Saunders, in Who Paid the Piper, the CIA and the Cultural Cold War, has effectively demonstrated the degree to which the CIA has manipulated aspects of American culture, particularly through its promotion of modern art. More recently, Jane Mayer’s Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right, has exposed the depth of manipulation carried out by the likes of the infamous Koch Brothers and several right-wing foundations in shaping public opinion in ways that favor their political and economic agenda. Christopher Hitchens has exposed the war crimes of Henry Kissinger, from the secret bombings of Laos and Cambodia to the CIA-backed coup d’état against the democratically elected Salvador Allende in 1973. Many other reputable scholars and journalists have unearthed a wide range of covert activities from harboring ex-Nazis through Operation Paperclip, to the CIA’s experiments in mind-control and drug-smuggling, and to the Iran-Contra operation. And Edward Snowden has granted us a glimpse of the extent to which surveillance is made possible through the latest digital technologies.
In other words, there is enough evidence to demonstrate that ambitious hidden agendas are possible and persist despite the promises of “democracy” and the supposed existence of a “free press.” Yet, knowing this, the question still remains: to what ends? Most are inclined to make the immediate supposition, that such a conspiracy would be aimed either at the pursuit of wealth, or perhaps just power for its own sake. This is where such a study is necessary, because once the systems of control and their agents are identified, it becomes possible to associate them with a certain group of beliefs. These, for the most part, are linked to occult secret societies. A careful study of history begins to reveal that, while the actors may change over time, these beliefs have remained consistent for centuries. It is by tracing those people and organizations involved in the preservation of these beliefs over the centuries that it becomes possible to expose the trajectory and perpetrators of this conspiracy. Not because they are governed by a specific group or individual, but by a single objective.
As improbable as it might seem that such obscure beliefs could provide the over-arching guidance to the hidden manipulators of world affairs, the only way to understand a plot so grandiose, and spanning many centuries, and guided by beliefs so bizarre, is to accept that it must be part of a cosmic conspiracy: a war waged by the forces of evil, with the goal of turning humanity against God. The Quran reveals that, on the Day of Judgment, the masses will blame the elite for having been misled by a “conspiracy” carried out against them:
And those who disbelieve say, “We will never believe in this Quran nor in that before it.” But if you could see when the wrongdoers are made to stand before their Lord, refuting each other’s words… The masses will say to the elite, “If not for you, we would have been believers.”
The elite will say to the masses, “Did we avert you from guidance after it had come to you? Rather, you were criminals.”
The masses will say to the elite “Rather, [it was your] conspiracy of night and day when you were ordering us to disbelieve in Allah and attribute to Him equals.” But they will [all] confide regret when they see the punishment; and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be recompensed except for what they used to do? Quran 34: 31-33
Whatever we may say about the validity of the myriad superstitions of the occult, as the famous French scholar Auguste Bouché-Leclercq observed about the study of the history of astrology, “one does not waste time who studies how others have wasted theirs.”[5] The purpose of studying the occult is not to determine whether any claims are valid, but rather to identify what is believed by some to be true, and in which way their beliefs might have influence history. For when we look at the influence of the occult in history, it has clearly exercised not only a substantial influence, but a formative one. The history of the occult begins in Babylon in the sixth century BC as a heresy of Judaism known as the Kabbalah. Being founded in opposition to the proscription against magic and communion with spirits, it would remain in perpetual conflict orthodox Bible tradition, as represented not only in Judaism, but Christianity and Islam as well. By sowing chaos, they have worked for centuries to create the circumstances believed necessary to bring about the fulfilment of Bible prophecy, to bring about the advent of their messiah, expected to be a descendant of King David, who is destined to rule the world from his seat in Jerusalem: a New World Order.
Although this conspiracy has been deceptively described as “Communist” in intent, the truth is that it is driven by a fascist agenda, which despite its extraordinary influence, had been lurking beneath the surface and gathering strength until it reared its ugly grimace when it reemerged to bring about the election of Donald Trump. According to Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm which produced the infamous Trump Dossier, referring to Trump’s associate, the “dirty trickster” Roger Stone, “We started going into who Stone was and who his relationships were with, and essentially the trail led to sort of international far right.”[6] What Simpson was alluding to, though he may not have been aware of the extent of its power or history, was an international network of powerful global interests, headed, most importantly, by Le Cercle, an organization with ties to the Bilderberg Group, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei and all the world’s leading intelligence organizations, and which served as the umbrella organization of the Fascist International, composed of numerous neo-Nazi organizations around the world.
As Russ Bellant has pointed out in Old Nazis, the New Right and the Republican Party, the “heart” of the Military-Industrial Complex was the American Security Council (ASC), a conglomeration of private interests that developed from the America First Committee (AFC), founded the denizens of the right, including the Ku Klux Klan, and funded by the Nazis, to lobby to keep America out of World War II. The “brains” behind the ASC was a double-agent named Boris Brasol, the main disseminator of the notorious Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which purported to expose the existence of a world-wide Jewish conspiracy, and a member of the Aufau, along with Alfred Rosenberg, the chief occult ideologue of the Nazis. Adopting the same tactics, the ASC created the Red Scare to justify the United States’ military build-up and surveillance of its own population, by cultivating the fear of a “Communist” conspiracy, through organizations like the John Birch Society, one of whose founding members was the father of the Koch Brothers.
It was from the JBS and the National Review of Skull and Bones member William F. Buckley that the new Republican party emerged behind the candidacy of Barry Goldwater, by exploiting the racist sentiments of the American South, a ploy known as the Southern Strategy. The successors of the ASC, in league with the Shickshinny Knights of Malta and a team of rogue CIA agents known as the Secret Team, were behind the JFK assassination, and then the Golden Triangle drug trade, which later evolved into Iran-Contra, a devious operation designed to funnel illicit funds to the Mujahideen fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, who would later transform into al Qaeda. As shown by David Teacher, in Rogue Agents: The Cercle and the 6I in the Private Cold War 1951 - 1991, this network was merely a part of a more global right-wing agenda headed by Le Cercle, co-founded by Otto von Habsburg, a Knight of Malta and co-founder of the Pan-European Union, which gave birth to the European Union.
Otto von Habsburg was also the Grand Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece, the most prestigious chivalric order in the world, whose history helps to solve the riddle of the hoax known as the Priory of Sion popularized in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. The Order of the Golden Fleece was created by a network of families traced to the leaders of the First Crusade who claimed descent from a she-demon named Melusine, now featured in the logo of Starbucks, and from the Knight of the Swan, celebrated in Wagner’s Grail opera Lohengrin. Adopting the rose as their mystical symbol, these same families were the instigators of the Protestant Reformation, from which emerged the Order of the Rosy Cross, known as the Rosicrucians, the predecessors the Freemasons.
Ever since the Crusaders established the Kingdom of Jerusalem, following their conquest of the city in 1099, and until the kingdom was finally defeated by the Muslims at the Battle of Acre in 1291, a multitude of European monarchs have used the title of King of Jerusalem, among the Otto von Habsburg. Although otherwise unreliable, the 1982 bestseller, Holy Blood Holy Grail, which was largely plagiarized by Dan Brown, exposed that the perceived basis of the legend of the Holy Grail was the purported descent of these families from Guillaume of Gellone, who according to Arthur Zuckerman’s interpretation of the Kabbalistic text of the time, was the son of an Exilarch, the exiled leader of the Jewish community of Babylon, who could claim descent from King David.
The basis of this mythology was a purported order named the Priory of Sion, supposedly founded in 1099, which later created the Knights Templar, secret guardians of the Holy Grail. Although presented as “fact” in Dan Brown’s blockbuster international bestseller The Da Vinci Code, the Priory of Sion was a hoax concocted by Pierre Plantard, a denizen of right-wing secret societies connected to synarchism associated with the Vichy regime of the Nazi occupation of France. All but two of the purported Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion are also found on lists of alleged “Imperators” and “distinguished members” of Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (AMORC), founded in 1915 by Harvey Spencer Lewis, derived from the Ordo Templi Orientis of Aleister Crowley, the godfather of twentieth-century Satanism.[7] Most of the names found in the fictitious list of Priory of Sion Grand Masters originate from a document compiled by Plantard’s friend Raymond Bernard, Grand Master of AMORC and the organization’s leading figure in France in the 1970s. French journalist Serge Hutin reported links between AMORC, the CIA, the notorious Propaganda Due (P2) Masonic Lodge, the Corsican Mafia, the SAC (Service d’Action Civique, France’s Civic Action Service) and various other knightly orders, and their involvement in international terrorism.[8]
Bernard’s fellow-conspirator was right-wing political activist Julien Origas, of whom some reports have claimed he was a Nazi SS member during WWII.[9] Several journalists noticed Origas’ relations with neo-Nazi and White supremacist groups.[10] Origas was also a member the “L’Ordre Vert” (Green Order) and the Internationale Luciferienne (“Luciferian International”).[11] Andre Wautier, a French author and Theosophist, claimed that in 1945 members of the Thule Society and the Brotherhood Polaires founded a new Order, the Green Order, whose adherents honor Lucifer, Mithra, Kali, and Lilith.[12] On May 14, 1975, the representatives of the various Luciferian associations were present in Brussels, at the temple of the Green Order, in order to seal the charter of unification of the Legions of Mithras. A charter proclaimed the unification of the most important Luciferian societies: the Green Order, the Grand Lodge of the Dragon, the Celtic Brotherhood, the Aryan Order, the Sons of Fire, and the Luzifer Gesellschaft (“Lucifer Society”) based in Cologne.[13] As explained by Jean-Paul Bourré, in Les sectes Lucifériennes aujourd’hui (“The Luciferian Sects Today”), these Luciferian orders sometimes have different goals, but they all share in common the particular goal of wanting to trigger the apocalypse necessary for the final transformation: the acceleration of the events of the End Times, and the preparation of an occult elite destined for the priesthood of the Luciferian religion.[14]
The truth is, as revealed by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, in The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ’s Sacred Bloodline, the formulators of the Priory of Sion mythos belonged to right-wing secret societies linked to the occult traditions of Martinism and synarchism, which claim to represent the political system adopted by the inhabitants of a lost city in the hollow earth called Agartha, which is linked to the Shambhala of the Thesophists sought by the Nazis. Their goal is to create a United Europe, to be governed by the Grand Monarch foretold by Nostradamus, a prophecy linked to the Katechon, the Third Rome, or the Empire of the End Times, and the Three Secrets of Fatima. As shown by Guy Patton in Masters of Deception, the chief inspiration behind this mythos was a right-wing occultist named Raymond Abellio, a key member of the French Nouvelle Droite, a friend of Le Cercle founder and Bilderberger Antoine Pinay, and mentor to Jean Parvulesco, whose protegee is Alexander Dugin, known as Putin’s Rasputin, the leading exponent of synarchism in our time, and the architect of Russia’s recent strategy to employ a legion of hackers to propel fake news in support of the Southern Strategy that put Donald Trump in office.
[1] Robert Reich. “Robert Reich: Lobbyists are snuffing our democracy, one legal bribe at a time.” Salon (June 9, 2015); Russ Feingold. “US campaign finance laws resemble legalized bribery. We must reform them.” The Guardian (November 8, 2017); Mike Masnick. “Is Lobbying Closer To Bribery... Or Extortion?” TechDirt (April 10, 2012).
[2] Martin Gilens & Benjamin I. Page (September 2014). “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens.” American Political Science Association, 12(3): 564-581.
[3] Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Walden Two (Hackett Publishing, 1948).
[4] Natalie Jones and Alastair Gee. “America's super rich: six things to know.” The Guardian (September 26, 2018).
[5] Auguste Bouché-Leclercq. L’Astrologie grecque, p. ix.
[6] Sonam Sheth. “A ‘significant figure’ linked to Roger Stone has been compelled to testify in the Russia probe as Mueller homes in on the DNC hack.” Business Insider (March 30, 2018).
[7] Tobias Churton. The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians: The World’s Most Mysterious Secret Society (Simon and Schuster, 2009).
[8] Philip Coppens. “Knights of the Extreme Right.”
[9] Philip Coppens. “Knights of the Extreme Right.”
[10] Massimo Introvigne. “Ordeal by Fire: The Tragedy of the Solar Temple.” In The Order of the Solar Temple: The Temple of Death (ed.) James R. Lewis (Ashgate, 2006), p. 27.
[11] Marcel Roggemans. Geschiedenis Van de Occulte En Mystieke Broederschappen (Lulu.com, 2010), p. 236.
[12] Andre Wautier. Dictionnaire des Gnostiques et des principaux inities (2004). Retrieved from http://www.livrespourtous.com/e-books/view/Dictionnaire-des-gnostiques-et-des-principaux-inities.html
[13] Jean-Paul Bourré. Les sectes Lucifériennes aujourd'hui (Belfond, 1978), p. 99.
[14] Jean-Paul Bourré. Les sectes Lucifériennes aujourd'hui (Belfond, 1978), p. 99.
Volume One
Ancient Greece
The Hellenistic Age
The Book of Revelation
Gog and Magog
Eastern Mystics
Princes' Crusade
The Reconquista
Ashkenazi Hasidim
The Holy Grail
The Champagne Fairs
The Order of Santiago
War of the Roses
The Age of Discovery
Renaissance & Reformation
Kings of Jerusalem
The Mason Word
The Order of the Dragon