
Eyes Wide Open: Sex, Zionism, Anti-Semitism and Stanley Kubrick
Kubrick is recognized for imparting his films with his knowledge of deep politics, including Dr. Strangelove (1964), a former Nazi and scientist, suggesting Operation Paperclip, and A Clockwork Orange (1971) about mind-control. It has been claimed that when Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, was in post-production in early 1968, NASA secretly approached him to direct the first three Moon landings.[1] Kubrik died on March 7, 1999, six days after showing the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut, an erotic mystery psychological drama, featuring a secret society performing masked orgies at Mentmore Towers, a nineteenth-century English country house built between 1852 and 1854 for the Rothschild family in the village of Mentmore in Buckinghamshire.

From the CIA’s MindWAr to QAnon
In 1980, retired U.S. Army Major General Paul E. Valley—who supported QAnon as a legitimate source about a “deep state” of elite satanic pedophiles—was then Commander of the 7th PSYOP Group and collaborated with Maj. Michael Aquino, then PSYOP Research & Analysis Team Leader and simultaneously the occult leader of the Temple of Set—an elite network of satanic pedophiles that operated out of the Presidio Army based near San Francisco—on an article about the use of what is known as psychotronics—a fancy word for purported occult powers—in warfare.

Israel Created Hamas to Stall Peace
How Israel and the Americans foster Islamic fundamentalism to stall peace with the Palestinians and other imperialistic objectives.

Psychedelics and Fascism: From MK-Ultra, to Esalen and Silicon Valley
It’s commonly assumed that the “mind-expanding” capabilities of psychedelics usually lead to progressive or liberal views. So, their proponents are surprised by the persistent associating with the right. However, in “Why is the American right suddenly so interested in psychedelic drugs?” for The Guardian, Ross Ellenhorn and Dimitri Mugianis report that “psychedelic therapies are receiving unprecedented financial and political support – and much of it comes from the right.”

The Profumo Affair: A Real-Life Case of Eyes Wide Shut
We have one incident which is clear evidence of the type of activity happening amongst the elite, as portrayed in Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut, whose ritual sex scenes were filmed at Mentmore Towers, a nineteenth-century English country house built between 1852 and 1854 for the Rothschild family. That is the Profumo Affair, and it connects all the recent satanic currents, and involving the CIA, MK-Ultra, Aleister Crowley’s OTO, the Chruch of Scientology founded by Crowley’s protegee L. Ron Hubbard, the Manson Family murders, the Process Church, the Son of Sam serial killer, and the sexual abuse in Hollywood brought to light by the #MeToo movement.

Hail Santa: The Occult Origins of Christmas
Christmas is an annual festival observed primarily on December 25 among billions of people worldwide. But there are two Christmas themes celebrated simultaneously. The purpose of Christmas is most popularly associated with the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, at the same time, that theme has become increasingly overtaken by the role of the mythical figure of “Satan Claus,” who has no known association with Christianity. Many are aware that Santa Claus is a modification of Saint Nicholas, but few are aware that this modification took place through the influence of the occult, in order to disguise Santa’s true identity as the ancient pagan dying-god Saturn.

Vision 2030: Modern Saudi Arabia and the era of post-Wahhabism

Marine Le Pen and the Neo-Nazi Origins of the Front National
Marine Le Pen has been enjoying a disturbingly growing level of success in France, as leader of the National Rally, known until 2018 as the National Front (FN), founded in 1792 by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen, who had links with the deepest levels of post-War fascism, a tendency that Marine herself does not seem to have sincerely distanced herself from. Marine has attempted to distance herself and the party from its right-wing extremism, but as the New York Times reported, even in 2017, “descriptions of the inner workings of her party by present and former close Le Pen associates, as well as court documents, raise fresh doubts about the success and sincerity of those efforts.”

The Strange Case of Prince Philip
Prince Philip and his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, come from a line of aristocratic descent closely intertwined with the founders of Rosicrucianism. But, that’s just the beginning of the high strangeness that has surrounded the life of Prince Philip, which has included connections to Nazism, Freud, the Son of Sam serial killer, the Priory of Sion, the 1001 Club, UFO disclosures, the Profumo Affair, and of course Jeffrey Epstein, though strangest of all was his encouragement of a cult on an island of former cannibals in the South Pacific who worshipped him as a god!

Ukraine and the New Great Game: the CIA and Neo-Nazis vs Putin’s Postmodern Dictatorship

David Icke, Fascism and Conspirituality

Rudolf Hess and the Jewish Drug

Rosa Mystica: A Yonic Symbol for the Ages

Covid-19 and the medical-Industrial Complex

The wise Fool: From Babylon to Discordianism

The Net, the Unabomber and Jeffrey Epstein

10 Books to understand the fascist conspiracy
The conspiracy is fascist, not communist. And the reason you might have learned otherwise is because the world of conspiracy research is dominated by fascists, the real conspirators, whose goal is to shape your understanding of the conspiracy to manufacture an opposition to serve their own ends.

Bill Gates and the Making of an Epidemic
Bill Gates is the new David Rockefeller. The current Coronavirus “pandemic” appears to be a global exercise of the powers of global institutions, with the likely goal of ultimately enforcing vaccinations, an agenda spearheaded by Gates and his foundation, which is reported to be the largest private foundation in the world.

Green Like Astroturf: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Agent of the Globalist Conspiracy
As much as I hate to admit it, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a globalist stooge.

Marranos Everywhere! Christian Kabbalists and the Conquest of the New World
The Spanish Inquisition and the Expulsion from Spain in 1492, were some of the most pivotal events in modern times. Jewish converts penetrated to Christianity, where they could exact their revenge. Jewish Kabbalists became Christian Kabbalists. When they entered Italy, they fostered the Renaissance, and in Amsterdam, the Northern Renaissance. Luther established Protestantism, creating a schism that permanently removed large sections of Christian Europe from Catholic Control. Rosicrucians cultivated the career of the foremost false prophet and Jewish apostate: Sabbatai Zevi. Leaving from the Netherlands, these secret Rosicrucians, known to American history as the “Pilgrims”, set sail for the New World via England, where they hoped to found a new Masonic experiment, known as The New Atlantis.